these pics buat aku senyum sendiri.......

mungkin orang akan tanye apsal aku nak senyum sendiri laks..?ade maksud tersirat aku tuu...certain orang jer yang paham...those who involved in "the tragedy"...i'm not going to show what was actually happened..but here are some clues... you have the "notebook"?..(sape tgk blue's clues tau arrr..)..let see what the clues are?
- camera
- posing
- faces that full of stress
- but not for one of them
- shopping
- obsess
dah cukup dah clue tuh...

P/S:huuhu..nampaknyer cam aku sorang jer yang paham..:P


Anonymous said...

woop..apsal ko publish pasal naz ar..sedey dier beb..nasib baik dier tak marah kat aku..

tobat?;;; GULP...

lilo said...

alololo..sedey ker? aku dah mintak maaf kat dier arr..

Anonymous said...

where are uuuu?/???